Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012

Installation Multimedia Codecs in OpenSuse 12.1

Installation Multimedia Codecs in OpenSuse 12.1

OpenSuse, like Fedora. do not support the format non-free / proprietary in the community version.

1. Install Codec dengan 1-Click install (the easy way)

If you want to listen to the song format. Mp3 or watch the video format. Avi you need to install restricted formats, in OpenSUSE is very easy, only with 1-click it and leave it to the OpenSUSE, of course internet connection is required.

you only need to click the link below and follow the installation to complete 

Note, if you get a warning dialog like this do not panic! Simply select the top option, to allow the vendor to change some of the packages for openSUSE Packman, and then click OK - Try Again.


 2. Multimedia Codecs Installation via Terminal

This method is practically difficult, because the installation process using a terminal or command line. but for users who are accustomed to and are familiar with the terminal, would not have found it difficult.

The following packages will be installed:
libdvdcss2 (miss if it does not need to play DVDs)

Follow the steps were as follows:
a. ketikan perintah di bawah ini pada terminal, dengan asumsi bahwa anda sudah berada pada mode root: 
linux-tpft:/home/mzherri # zypper addrepo -f packman
linux-tpft:/home/mzherri # zypper addrepo -f dvd

Install codec
 linux-tpft:/home/mzherri # zypper install libxine1-codecs k3b-codecs ffmpeg lame gstreamer-0_10-plugins-bad gstreamer-0_10-plugins-ugly gstreamer-0_10-ffmpeg libdvdcss2

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