Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012

Installation VirtualBox in OpenSuse 12.1

Installation VirtualBox in OpenSuse 12.1

1. Install required library and package : kernel-source, make, gcc, gcc-c++, pam-devel, kernel-syms by using YAST | Software | Software Management or  Zypper package manager :

zypper in kernel-source make gcc gcc-c++ pam-devel kernel-syms

2. Download VirtualBox binary installer. Choose an appropriate version whether 32 bit or 64 bit depending your processor.

3. Install VirtualBox using Zypper with the following command  :

zypper in ./VirtualBox-3.2-3.2.6_63112_openSUSE111-1.x 

4. Add your user as VirtualBox group member by using YAST | Security & User | User & Group Management. Choose user name, click Edit and then move to Details tab and give a mark on vboxusers checkbox, cdrom and disk.

5. Logout re-login so new group will be updated to your profile

6. Run  VirtualBox from system menu or by using konsole/terminal  : VirtualBox (case sensitive)


1. Installation process may failed while compiling VirtualBox module for kernel. Check the version of your running kernel and kernel source using uname -r and zypper if kernel-source as below :  

mzherri@linux-tpft:~> zypper if kernel-source
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Information for package kernel-source:
Repository: Updates for openSUSE 12.1 12.1-1.4
Name: kernel-source
Version: 3.1.9-1.4.1
Arch: noarch
Vendor: openSUSE
Installed: Yes
Status: up-to-date
Installed Size: 371.5 MiB
Summary: The Linux Kernel Sources
Linux kernel sources with many fixes and improvements.
Source Timestamp: 2012-01-27 09:55:10 +0100
GIT Revision: efb5ff410eab35d86ab48d359d3edf177b1d82d5
GIT Branch: openSUSE-12.1

mzherri@linux-tpft:~> uname -r

See that I’m using same version for both running kernel and kernel-source. If you found different version, try to updating the lower version to be same version as another one.

2. VirtualBox will automatically remove old package if found previous installation without deleting your existing image but it’s highly recommended to create a backup before installing and updating VirtualBox.

references :

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