Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Basics Command Linux Operation System

Basic theory

any Linux user must have a logged name (user account) this previous must be registered on the system administrator. login name usually restricted to a maximum of 8 characters and usually in lower case. prompt of bash shell in linux using the sign "$".

Linux Command Format
        standard instruction has the following format:
instructionname [options] [options]

option is the option of start with -. argument can be empty, one or more arguments (parameters). example :
$ ls without argument
$ ls -a option is -a=all, without argument
$ ls /bin without option, argument is /bin
$ ls /bin /etc / usr there is 3 argument
$ ls -l /usr 1 option and 1 argument l= long list
$ ls -la /bin /etc 2 option and -a and 2 argument



Linux provides a manual. some keyboard keys that are important in using the manual are: 
Q to exit from the program man
<Enter> go down, line by line
<Space> go down, by page
b go back top, 1 page
/teks search teks (string)
n continue search the previous string

1. view of identity
$ id

2. view calender from the sistem 
$ date

3. view machine identity
$ hostname
$ uname
$ uname -a

4. clear the screen
$ clear

5. manipulation file and direktori

a. view current working direktori
$ ls

b. see all complete files
$ ls -l

c. see all files and hidden direktori
$ls -f

d. display the contents of a direktori
$ls /usr 

e. display the contents of root
$ ls /

6. see file tipe
$ file
$ file *
$file /bin/ls

7. copying files
a. copying theby  file. specify -i of interactive question if files already exist
$ cp /etc/group
$ ls -l
$ cp -i f1 f2
$cp -i f1 f2

b. copying the file to directoy
$ mkdir backup
$ cp f1 f3
$ cp f1 f2 f3 backup
$ ls backup
$ cd backup
$ ls 

8. view the contents of file
a. using cat instruction
$ cat f1

b. display the file  by one full screen
$ more f1
$ pg f1

9. change file name
a. using mv instruction
$ mv f1 prog.txt
$ ls

b. moving the file to another directory.
$ mkdir mydir
$mv f1 f2 f3 mydir

c. delete the file
$ rm f1
$ cp mydir/f1 f2
$ cp mydir/f2 f2
$ rm f1
$ rm -i f2

10. restart the computer 
$ reboot
<Ctrl> <Alt> <Del>

11. Shutdown computer
$ halt
$ shutdown

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