Selasa, 24 April 2012

Configuration and Installation JDK on OpenSuse 12.1

first check java by terminal with following command :

java - version

after checked it is installed jdk version 1.6 i will try update jdk with version jdk 7u3. now you can following steps so your computer or your linux can upgrade jdk with version 7 or the latest

this is steps that i use

1. Download jdk, i use jdk 7u3, select .rpm. you can download here for java latest
2. run the file with the following command : 

zypper in jdk-7u3-linux-i586.rpm

3.  after finish install we set alternatives so we can choose between jdk 7 or 6. command : 

update-alternatives --install /user/bin/java java /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_03/bin/java

4. configuration alternatives with following command

update-alternatives --config java

you must select the jdk with jdk have you installed. in here number 1 so i select number 1. then typing number 1 form keyboard and push enter

5. Test whether the jdk 7 is installed by typing in terminal : 

java -version 
now see : 

Good Luck : -)


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