Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Delete Data In MySql With Php

continue the tutorial yesterday, Update Data in MySql With PHP. now we will try to edit data in MySql with php. The database and the table same as with yesterday. 

Create Vew Data

Make a new HTML document with your text editor and create the HTML form as follows:

<title>View Data</title>
<p align="center"><b>View Data</b></p>
<table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="25" border="0">
        <td colspan="2">Delete Data</td>
//create connection to the database
$conn=mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root");
//create query select
$sql="select * from tb_contact_us";
//reading data
//display data
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td>".$no."</td>";
    //display field name
    echo "<td>".$row['Name']."</td>";
    //display field email
    echo "<td>".$row['Email']."</td>";
    //Display field Comment
    echo "<td>".$row['Comment']."</td>";
    //Display Operation Update
    echo "<td><a href='delete_data.php?no=".$row['number']."'>Delete</a></td>";
    echo "</tr>";

Save the HTML document with the name of the directory view_data.html and put it on your web server. Then see the results on your web browser. If you have done it correctly then it will be as follows:

Create Delete Data

<title>Delete Data</title>
//connect to the database
$conn=mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "");
//create a variable for which data is transmitted
$no = $_GET["no"];
//create query to storing data
$sql="DELETE FROM tb_contact_us WHERE number = '$no'";
//saving to the database
echo "<h2>Data has been Delete</h2>";
<a href="view_data.php">view the data</a>

Save the HTML document with the name of the directory delete_data.phpand put it on your web server. Then see the results on your web browser. If you have done it correctly then it will be as follows: 

if you clik view the data then you will be as follows : 

 Good Luck :-)

Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Donwload Comik Dragon Ball Indonesia Language

Bulma is a girl who is looking for a Dragon Ball in myth when gathered together, then there is the Dragon who will grant your every wish.

Son Goku is a strange child who has a tail that lives in the forest and the owner of one of Dragon Ball.

The two met and the big adventure begins. On their way they also meet such characters figure desert bandit, Yamucha, pigs modifier form, Oolong, and master martial Kame Sennin, Muten Roshi.

Link Download Dragon Ball Indonesian:

Volume 42 ziddu Tamat
Volume 41 ziddu
Volume 40 ziddu
Volume 39 ziddu
Volume 38 ziddu
Volume 37 ziddu
Volume 36 ziddu
Volume 35 ziddu
Volume 34 ziddu English
Volume 33 ziddu
Volume 32 ziddu
Volume 31 ziddu
Volume 30 ziddu
Volume 29 ziddu
Volume 28 ziddu
Volume 27 ziddu
Volume 26 ziddu
Volume 25 ziddu
Volume 24 ziddu
Volume 23 ziddu
Volume 22 ziddu
Volume 21 ziddu
Volume 20 ziddu
Volume 19 ziddu
Volume 18 ziddu
Volume 17 ziddu
Volume 16 ziddu
Volume 15 ziddu
Volume 14 ziddu
Volume 13 ziddu
Volume 12 ziddu
Volume 11 ziddu
Volume 10 ziddu
Volume 09 ziddu
Volume 08 ziddu
Volume 07 ziddu
Volume 06 ziddu
Volume 05 ziddu
Volume 04 ziddu
Volume 03 ziddu
Volume 02 ziddu
Volume 01 ziddu

Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Update Data in MySql With PHP

continue the tutorial yesterday, Saving Data to the Database and Displaying Data with PHP. now we will try to edit data in MySql with php. The database and the table same as with yesterday. 

create a view the data

Make a new HTML document with your text editor and create the HTML form as follows:

<title>View Data</title>
<p align="center"><b>View Data</b></p>
<table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="25" border="0">
        <td colspan="2">Update Data</td>
//create connection to the database
$conn=mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root");
//create query select
$sql="select * from tb_contact_us";
//reading data
//display data
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td>".$no."</td>";
    //display field name
    echo "<td>".$row['Name']."</td>";
    //display field email
    echo "<td>".$row['Email']."</td>";
    //Display field Comment
    echo "<td>".$row['Comment']."</td>";
    //Display Operation Update
    echo "<td><a href='form_update.php?no=".$row['number']."'>Update</a></td>";
    echo "</tr>";

Save the HTML document with the name of the directory view_data.html and put it on your web server. Then see the results on your web browser. If you have done it correctly then it will be as follows:

Create form to update the data

Make a new HTML document with your text editor and create the HTML form as follows:

<title>Update Data</title>
$no = $_GET["no"];
//create connection to the database
$conn=mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root");
//create query select
$sql="select * from tb_contact_us where number = '".$no."'";
//reading data
//display data
<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="save_update.php">
<p>Name :
<input name="name" type="text" id="name" value="<?=$row['Name']; ?>"/>
Email :
<input name="email" type="text" id="email" value="<?=$row['Email']; ?>" />
<p>Comment :
<textarea name="comment" id="comment"><?=$row['Comment']; ?></textarea>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Update" />

Save the HTML document with the name of the directory view_data.html and put it on your web server. Then see the results on your web browser. If you have done it correctly then it will be as follows:

and i will try change name, email and comment it will be as follows : 

Create save to update the data

Make a new HTML document with your text editor and create the HTML form as follows:

<title>Update Data</title>
//connect to the database
$conn=mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root");
//create a variable for which data is transmitted
$no = $_POST["no"];
$name = $_POST["name"];
$email = $_POST["email"];
$comment = $_POST["comment"];
//create query to storing data
$sql="UPDATE tb_contact_us SET Name = '$name', Email = '$email', Comment = '$comment' where number = '$no'";
//saving to the database
echo "<h2>Data has been Changed</h2>";
<a href="view_data.php">view the data</a>

Save the HTML document with the name of the directory save_update.html and put it on your web server. Then see the results on your web browser. If you have done it correctly then it will be as follows:

if you clik view the data then it be as follows : 

Good Luck :-)
Download Tutorial

Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Basics Command Linux Operation System

Basic theory

any Linux user must have a logged name (user account) this previous must be registered on the system administrator. login name usually restricted to a maximum of 8 characters and usually in lower case. prompt of bash shell in linux using the sign "$".

Linux Command Format
        standard instruction has the following format:
instructionname [options] [options]

option is the option of start with -. argument can be empty, one or more arguments (parameters). example :
$ ls without argument
$ ls -a option is -a=all, without argument
$ ls /bin without option, argument is /bin
$ ls /bin /etc / usr there is 3 argument
$ ls -l /usr 1 option and 1 argument l= long list
$ ls -la /bin /etc 2 option and -a and 2 argument



Linux provides a manual. some keyboard keys that are important in using the manual are: 
Q to exit from the program man
<Enter> go down, line by line
<Space> go down, by page
b go back top, 1 page
/teks search teks (string)
n continue search the previous string

1. view of identity
$ id

2. view calender from the sistem 
$ date

3. view machine identity
$ hostname
$ uname
$ uname -a

4. clear the screen
$ clear

5. manipulation file and direktori

a. view current working direktori
$ ls

b. see all complete files
$ ls -l

c. see all files and hidden direktori
$ls -f

d. display the contents of a direktori
$ls /usr 

e. display the contents of root
$ ls /

6. see file tipe
$ file
$ file *
$file /bin/ls

7. copying files
a. copying theby  file. specify -i of interactive question if files already exist
$ cp /etc/group
$ ls -l
$ cp -i f1 f2
$cp -i f1 f2

b. copying the file to directoy
$ mkdir backup
$ cp f1 f3
$ cp f1 f2 f3 backup
$ ls backup
$ cd backup
$ ls 

8. view the contents of file
a. using cat instruction
$ cat f1

b. display the file  by one full screen
$ more f1
$ pg f1

9. change file name
a. using mv instruction
$ mv f1 prog.txt
$ ls

b. moving the file to another directory.
$ mkdir mydir
$mv f1 f2 f3 mydir

c. delete the file
$ rm f1
$ cp mydir/f1 f2
$ cp mydir/f2 f2
$ rm f1
$ rm -i f2

10. restart the computer 
$ reboot
<Ctrl> <Alt> <Del>

11. Shutdown computer
$ halt
$ shutdown

Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Saving Data to the Database and Displaying Data with PHP

In the tutorial Saving Data to Database & Data with PHP to showing this will be discussed how to build a connection to a MySQL database, saving data to a database, read data from database and display the data to the user. This tutorial requires basic knowledge of MySQL you. If you did not already have a basic knowledge of MySQL please visit the website to learn MySQL first. Because in this tutorial will not be discussed in depth about MySQL.

Saving Data to Database
Create a database with the name db_contact_us, then create a table named tb_contact_us, with the following structure: 
Field Tipe Data
Name Varchar(50)
Email Varchar(50)
Comment Text 

Create a Contact Form
Make a new HTML document with your text editor and create the HTML form as follows:

<title>Contact US</title>
<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="save_contact.php">
<p>Name :
<input name="name" type="text" id="name" />
Email :
<input name="email" type="text" id="email" />
<p>Comment :
<textarea name="comment" id="
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="
comment" />

Save the HTML document with the name of the directory contact_form.html and put it on your web server.

Make PHP Script
<title>Contact Us</title>
//connect to the database
$conn=mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root");

//create a variable for which data is transmitted
//create query to storing data
$sql="INSERT INTO tb_contact_us (name, email, comment) values ('$name','$email','$comment')";
//saving to the database
echo "<h2>Data has been saved</h2>";

Now save with the name of the directory save_contact.php and put it on your web server. Then see the results on your web browser. If you have done it correctly then it will be as follows:

Displaying data 
After you can save data to the database now you will learning how to read data from database and display it to the user. To read data from a database you must first connect to the database, and then read the data using the function mysql_query () and mysql_fetch_array (). To more clearly do the following example.

Create a new document with your text editor, and begin to make the initial HTML document.

<title>Display Data</title>
//create connection to the database
$conn=mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root");
//create query select
$sql="select * from tb_contact_us";
//reading data
//display data
//display field name
echo "Name : ".$row['Name'];
//display field email
echo "<br>Email : ".$row['Email'];
//Display field Comment
echo "<br>Comment : ".$row['Comment'];
echo "<hr>";

Now save with the name of the directory read_data.php and put it on your web server. Then see the results on your web browser. If you have done it correctly then it will be as follows

Good Luck Guys :-)

Senin, 12 Maret 2012

When We Need to Perform Information System Audit

Although various types of audits conducted, the majority of audit emphasis on accounting information systems within an organization and implementation of financial recording and operation of effective and efficient organization. Broadly speaking, the need for the audit in a company that already has expertise in the field of information technology among other things:

A. Losses due to data loss.
Data are processed into an information, an important asset in today's business organizations. Many operating activities rely on some important information. Information of a business organization will be a portrait or picture of the state organization in the past, present and future. If this information is missing will result in potentially fatal for the organization in carrying out its activities.

B. Losses due to computer processing errors.
Computer processing becomes the primary focus in a computer-based information systems. Many organizations have been using computers as a means to improve the quality of their work. Starting from a simple job, such as the calculation of compound interest to the use of computers as an aid in navigating airplanes or missiles. And many of these organizations are interconnected and integrated. It would be very concerned if there is an error in processing on the computer. Losses ranging from mathematical calculations are not trusted to the dependence of human life.

C. Wrong decisions due to misinformation.
The quality of a decision depends on the quality of information presented to decision-making. The accuracy and significance of the data or information depends on the type of decisions to be taken. If top managers will make decisions that are strategic, it may be related to the properties can be tolerated, long-term decisions. But sometimes misleading information will impact decision-making that is misleading as well.

D. Losses due to misuse of computers (Computer abused)
The main themes that drive the development of the systems audit business information within an organization is due to the frequent occurrence of crime computer misuse. Some types of crime and the misuse of computers, among others, is a virus, hacking, direct access is not legal (for example, went into the computer without permission or using a computer terminal and can result in physical damage or retrieve data or computer programs without permission) and or unauthorized access to personal interests (someone who has the authority to use the computer but for the purposes of undue).
  • Hacking - a person with an unauthorized access to computer systems that can view, modify, or remove a computer program or data or disrupt the system.
  • Viruses - A virus is a computer program that attaches itself and run itself a computer program or computer system on a floppy disk, data or program that aims to disrupt or damage the way a computer program or data in it. The virus was designed with two purposes, firstly to actively replicating itself and both interfere with or damage the operating system, programs or data.
The impact of computer crime and abuse include:
  •  Hardware, software, data, facilities, and other supporting documentation is damaged or stolen and misused or modified.
  • Confidentiality of data or important information from the person or organization is damaged or stolen or modified.
  • Routine operational activities will be disrupted. 
  • Computer crime and abuse from time to time increased, and nearly 80% of perpetrators of computer crime is on the inside.
E. Value of hardware, software and personnel information systems.
In an information system, hardware, software, data and personnel is an organizational resource. Some business organizations spend substantial funds to invest in the preparation of an information system, including the development of human resources. So that the necessary controls to maintain an investment in this field.

F. Maintenance of confidentiality of information
Information within a business organization is very diverse, from the data of employees, customers, and other transactions is very risky if not maintained properly. A person can only use the information to be misused. For example, if confidential customer data, can be used by competitors to take advantage of the competition.

At the time computers were first used, many auditors have thought that the audit process will be much changed to conform with the use of computer technology. There are two main points to consider in the audit of electronic data processing, namely the collection of evidence (evidence collection) and evaluation of evidence (evidence evaluation)

Job Rule Information System Auditor

The CISA certification is for those who need to display knowledge of IT auditing, security, and control. This certification is extremely popular with the number of certified professionals numbering over 30,000. Testing is offered once per year at testing locations worldwide.

"IT professionals holding the Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) certification earned the largest gains in premium bonus pay among 56 certifications surveyed by Foote Partners, LLC during 2003 and 2002."


  • Must pass one exam. The exam is administered once annually, in June and consists of 200 multiple choice questions to be completed in four hours.
  • Five years of verifiable experience in IS auditing, control or security is required. Experience must be obtained in the 10 years preceding taking of the exam.
  • Agree to the ISACA code of ethics.
  • Agree to adhere to the Information Systems Auditing Standards as adopted by ISACA.
  • Prices for ISCA members range from $300 to 385 depending upon when you register and if you do so online.
  • Prices for non-members rangge from $420 to 505, also depending upon date and method of

To maintain your certification you must pay maintenance fees and complete a minimum of 20 contact hours of CPE (continuing professional education) credits annually.

Information System Audit

ISACA is an international professional association that deals with IT Governance. It is an affiliate member of IFAC.Previously known as the Information Systems Audit and Control Association, ISACA now goes by its acronym only, to reflect the broad range of IT governance professionals it serves.


 The ISACA was founded in the USA in 1967, when a group of individuals with jobs auditing controls in the computer systems, which were becoming increasingly critical to the operations of their organizations, recognized the need for a centralized source of information and guidance in the field. In 1969, Stuart Tyrnauer, employed by the (then) Douglas Aircraft Company, incorporated the entity as the EDP Auditors Association, serving as its founding Chairman for the first three years. In 1976 the association formed an education foundation to undertake large-scale research efforts to expand the knowledge and value of the IT governance and control field.

Current status

 ISACA currently serves more than 95,000 constituents (members and professionals holding ISACA certifications) in more than 160 countries. The job titles of members are such as IS auditor, consultant, educator, IS security professional, regulator, chief information officer and internal auditor. They work in nearly all industry categories. There is a network of ISACA chapters with 170 chapters established in over 160 countries. Chapters provide education, resource sharing, advocacy, networking and other benefits.

Major publications

  • Standards, Guidelines and Procedures for information system auditing(Guideline co-developed with the International Federation of Accountants)
  • Val IT (Getting best value from IT investments)
  • Risk IT
  • Information System Control Journal


Certified Information Systems Auditor(CISA)

Certified Information Security Manager (CISM)

Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT)

Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC)

Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC) is a certification for information technology professionals with experience in managing IT risks, awarded by ISACA. To gain this certification, candidates must pass a written examination and have at least eight years of information technology or business experience, with a minimum of three years work experience in at least three CRISC domains.
The intent of the certification is to provide a common body of knowledge for information technology / systems risk management, and to recognize the knowledge of enterprise and IT risk that a wide range of IT and Business practitioners have acquired, as well as the capability to: design, implement and maintain information system (IS) controls, to mitigate IS/IT risks.
The CRISC requires demonstrated knowledge in five functional areas or ‘’Domains’’ of IT risk management.
  • Risk Identification, Assessment and Evaluation
  • Risk Response
  • Risk Monitoring
  • Information Systems Control Design and Implementation
  • IS Control Monitoring and Maintenance

Information System

An information system and MIS (IS) - or application landscape is any combination of information technology and people's activities that support operations, management and decision making. In a very broad sense, the term information system is frequently used to refer to the interaction between people, processes, data and technology. In this sense, the term is used to refer not only to the information and communication technology (ICT) that an organization uses, but also to the way in which people interact with this technology in support of business processes.

Some make a clear distinction between information systems, computer systems, and business processes. Information systems typically include an ICT component but are not purely concerned with ICT, focusing in instead, on the end use of information technology. Information systems are also different from business processes. Information systems help to control the performance of business processes.

Alter argues for an information system as a special type of work system. A work system is a system in which humans and/or machines perform work using resources to produce specific products and/or services for customers. An information system is a work system whose activities are devoted to processing (capturing, transmitting, storing, retrieving, manipulating and displaying) information.

As such, information systems inter-relate with data systems on the one hand and activity systems on the other. An information system is a form of communication system in which data represent and are processed as a form of social memory. An information system can also be considered a semi-formal language which supports human decision making and action.

 Information systems are the primary focus of study for the information systems discipline and for organisational informatics.


It consists of computers, instructions, stored facts, people and procedures.
ISs can be categorized in four parts:
  1. Management Information System (MIS)
  2. Decision Support System (DSS)
  3. Executive Information System (EIS)
  4. Transaction Processing System (TPS)

Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

Creating Form Insert Data

php mysql basic step by step tutorial In order to make this input data is 'user friendly', you can make a HTML form for input data, example: 

07<title>Form Input Data</title>
11<table border="1">
12  <tr>
13    <td align="center">Form Input Employees Data</td>
14  </tr>
15  <tr>
16    <td>
17      <table>
18        <form method="post" action="input.php">
19        <tr>
20          <td>Name</td>
21          <td><input type="text" name="name" size="20">
22          </td>
23        </tr>
24        <tr>
25          <td>Address</td>
26          <td><input type="text" name="address" size="40">
27          </td>
28        </tr>
29        <tr>
30          <td></td>
31          <td align="right"><input type="submit"
32          name="submit" value="Sent"></td>
33        </tr>
34        </table>
35      </td>
36    </tr>

The result:

This HTML form will send two variable, $name and $address variable, into input.php file as describe in the ACTION parameter of FORM HTML.

02//the example of inserting data with variable from HTML form
04mysql_connect("localhost","root","admin");//database connection
07//inserting data order
08$order = "INSERT INTO data_employees
09            (name, address)
10            VALUES
11            ('$name',
12            '$address')";
14//declare in the order variable
15$result = mysql_query($order);  //order executes
17    echo("<br>Input data is succeed");
18} else{
19    echo("<br>Input data is fail");

After you have already made input.php, fill the input data and then click the sent button such as:

For the result:
As for the exercises, put some of datas into employees database.